Pigeon fanciers from all around the world get their data here and use our system in the pigeon racing sport, before going in pigeon race. The Pigeon Magnetometer enables a forecast of expected bad Earth's magnetic field conditions, special for racing pigeons. The Magnetometer data are a protection not to lose a racing pigeon during training, race or One-Loft-Race. Very experienced professionals in the pigeon sport have tested the Pigeon Magnetometer since 2014. Additional we got feedbacks from hundreds of pigeon fanciers, from all around the world, using our system already several years. The result of all these tests and feedbacks is a Magnetometer with an extremely high success rate!
Pigeon Magnetometer + Wind & Weather + Pigeon Management Software
Get your professional "Pigeon-Flight-Preparation" before going in Pigeon-Race or One-Loft-Race!
Explanation of Magnetometer data
When a pigeon is in training or race and the Earth's magnetic field is in bad conditions, the pigeon has big problems to find back to its loft. That’s the moment the pigeon can go lost. Using the Pigeon Magnetometer data, you will not have this problem!
As you see on the graphic, a yellow marked day is a risky race day. A red marked day is a very risky race day. At these days a racing pigeon has problems to find back to its loft, and can go lost. You have to be a registered member (Registration) and you must be logged-in (Log-in / Log-out), to see always the new updated Magnetometer data . All data you will see are for each time zone (UTC). Data sources: - (Satellite, Observatory, University, Digital weather network ...). RP-Index: - (Oscillation, nT/h, RC-Index, Nmax, EMM, EMAG2, FGM, IGRF-21, EEJ …).
Examples of bad Earth's magnetic field conditions

Testimonial – South Africa
We have been following the advice of this great site this young bird series and have had great races!
Testimonial – Belgium
I have been closely monitoring information supplied here for 3 seasons with fantastic good results!
Software features you can use at Pigeon Magnetometer
Pigeon Magnetometer (PM): Forecast of the worldwide expected bad Earth’s magnetic field conditions, special for professional pigeon racing sport (Pigeon-Flight-Preparation). Wind & Weather (W&W): Forecast of the worldwide wind and weather conditions in 42 languages, before going in pigeon race or One-Loft-Race (Pigeon-Flight-Preparation). Pigeon Management Software (PMS): This is a free Pedigree Software in 28 languages (Pedigree, Breeding, Medication …) including all the features a modern pigeon management application needs to have (Distance calculator, Speed calculator, Racepoint manager, Race results, Multi-database …), downloadable for Windows, Apple and Linux.
United Kingdom
South Africa